Spiritual Reversal

The spirits of the Sun and Moon have challenged you in a little friendly competition. At first, it may seem like a regular board game, but be wary: spirits have a way with trickery...

~🗘~ GMTK Game Jam 2023 entry, on the theme "Roles Reversed" ~🗘~

--- How to play ---

Game goal

  • Capture your opponent's Sun/Moon piece

Game Rules

  • Each player takes turns until a Sun or Moon piece is taken.
  • Each turn, you can either:
    • Move one of your pieces on the board to an adjacent tile.
      • Pieces can only move in the directions represented by the dots on them.
      • Landing on an opponent's piece captures it.
    • Take a piece you have captured from your reserve and place it on an empty space.
  • Regularly, one of two Mischieves will occur to shake up the game board:
    • Day/Night cycle: at night, all pieces reverse their possible movements.
    • Spiritual Reversal: you and your opponent exchange roles and take up the other side of the board. A big advantage can turn bad in a blink!
      • The number of turns remaining before any Mischief is indicated on the left of the screen.


  • Mouse clicks only

Known bugs and issues

  • AI plays randomly
    • Litterally. It will sometimes make the most obvious mistakes and basically commit suicide, and some others anihilate you with a 15-turns mastermind strategy only anime protagonists with shining glasses could come up with. Spirits truly are mysterious creatures! ◝(ᵔᵕᵔ)◜

--- Technical infos ---


  • Game made in 48h for the GMTK Game Jam 2023, on the theme "Roles Reversed"
  • Idea, integration and design by Exylas (also my 3rd game altogether!)

Tools & tech

  • Game made with vanilla JavaScript (obviously not because of a skill issue, I swear ó_ò)
  • Visuals assets, made with Adobe Illustrator
  • Wolf and Fox illustrations from Freepik and Adobe Stock

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